官方回答Wendy A. Pattison 國際招生和夏校辦主任回答于05/16/2014譯文:嗨 你好
去年學生總數(shù)為 338個學生(包含寄宿學校和走讀學校),有14個來自中國大陸的女學生,這樣算起來,差不多是4%左右的比例,注意到一點,我們是把臺灣跟香港分開算。
有什么問題,請盡量發(fā)問 謝謝原文:We don’t track percentages of Chinese applicants specifically but we had 23%international students from 34 different countries last school year. I try to keep the standard of no more than 4 girls for each class from one country. This past year we had 14 girls from Mainland China out of 338 students (including day and Boarding) so I guess that is about 4%. We count students from Taiwan and Hong Kong separately.
You can find out more about our college counseling program by clicking here. Our graduates are accepted to a wide range of impressive schools. We work with them to understand the “college is a match to be made, not a prize to be won”.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.