Tuition and Financial Aid
A Milton Academy education is a significant investment in your child’s future. Our focus is on creating a unique and valuable experience that celebrates each student’s individuality. Milton’s diversity is a hallmark of the School and we actively seek young people with academic promise and a range of talents, skills and interests.
2024–2025 Tuition
The school charges a single tuition that includes most student experiences.
Classes I–IV (boarding): $75,980
Classes I–IV (day) : $65,980
Upper school tuition includes tuition insurance, weekday and weekend activities on- and off-campus, supervised access to athletic and academic buildings during scheduled hours on weekday evenings and weekends, and other items (e.g., class-specific equipment and technology, use of athletic uniforms & equipment, prom tickets, and yearbooks for seniors). Boarding student tuition includes room & board. Upper school day students are served lunch and are also welcome to join boarders for dinner on weekdays and all meals on weekends in Forbes dining hall.
Book and supply charges will be added separately to students’ individual accounts (IAs) based on student class selections. All students are expected to bring a laptop computer to school.
Parents/guardians may choose to enroll their students in other, optional programs at Milton Academy for which families will be charged a fee, including but not limited to: daily bus service to and from school, music lessons, cultural exchanges, and pre-season athletic trips.
Financial Aid
We are deeply committed to creating an environment that is open and accessible to outstanding and qualified applicants regardless of their families’ financial circumstances and we strive to meet 100 percent of the demonstrated need for each student we enroll; Milton does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, handicapped status, sexual orientation, religion, or national or ethnic origin.
How to Apply
Families who wish to apply for financial aid must submit a financial aid application before January 31. To get started, please go to the Financial Aid Application and create an account. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. It is mobile-friendly so you can complete it from anywhere. The submission fee is $60.
You may find these instructions to complete the financial aid application at Clarity helpful. If you need support during the process of completing your application, there is in-app support available as well as email support at or 206-210-3752 in both English and Spanish.
Financial aid information is included with all admission packages and awards for accepted students will be communicated along with the admission decision on March 10.
Determining Need For Financial Aid
Milton Academy looks at many factors in order to assess need. Milton defines “need” as the difference between the total cost of attendance (tuition, books, etc.) and a family’s ability to pay that cost. The need assessment is based upon income and family expenses, assets and liabilities, family size, cost of living and the number of children for whom a family must pay tuition. Milton expects that all parents who seek aid will be employed, unless they are caretakers for children under the age of five, provide live-in care for an elderly dependent, or have a prohibitive disability. In the case of divorced or separated parents, both natural parents are required to complete financial aid applications, and the income and assets of both parents (and new spouses, if any) are taken into consideration.
Although families must reapply for financial aid each year, a family should expect that grants would be renewed at the original level of funding unless there is a significant change in demonstrated need.
We hope that families will not be discouraged by the costs of independent education or by the process of applying for financial aid. If you are uncertain about your eligibility for aid or have questions about the process, we urge you to contact the Office of Financial Aid at 617-898-2239.
Financial Aid Facts
Financial Aid Budget:
$15 million
Students on Financial Aid (Classes I-IV):
35 percent
Average grant:
75 percent of tuition
Timeline for New Candidates
By January 31: Parents/guardians (and any other adult living in the applicant’s primary residence) must complete and submit the financial aid application.
March 10: Milton sends the preliminary financial aid assessment with the offer of admission.
April 15: Final deadline for submission of signed 2023 tax returns. Should extensions be needed, please contact the Office of Financial Aid directly. This step completes the application process.
International Applicants
Financial aid is available to applicants who are not American citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States. To be considered for financial aid, applicants must submit the financial aid application. In addition, applicants should submit 2022 and 2023 tax documents, including a translation into English where appropriate. You must also submit a letter from your employer specifying the terms of your employment, a certificate of finance from your bank(s) stating all bank account balances, and a copy of your November and December 2023 bank statements.
Current Students
Students reapplying for aid: Milton will review your aid application each year; you must reapply by January 15. If there is no significant change in your family’s financial situation, you can expect a comparable aid assessment from year to year. Milton will not review aid applications for the upcoming year prior to the full payment of your tuition and fees for the current academic year. Milton Academy communicates financial aid assessments for current students in May.
Students applying for aid for the first time: You must apply by January 15 and demonstrate that your financial circumstances have changed significantly since your initial enrollment. A cover letter explaining your change in circumstances must be submitted to the director of financial aid by this deadline as well.
Contact Information
Milton Academy
170 Centre Street
Milton, MA 02186
Chris Kane
Director of Financial Aid
Tel: 617-898-2239
Fax: 617-898-2237